These days it often seems like everyone is on the web. Although that is not quite true, more and more people are getting connected and learning to communicate through this tecnological revolution.

Now, people frequently communicate with each other via the Internet by creating their own web pages. Once connected to the Internet, you can communicate with anyone anywhere in the world for free!

This can be done on one level via email. If you wish to learn more about how email works, Hudson.NET offers introductory courses on using the email and the Internet.

On a more sophisticated level, it is also possible to put up one's own web page. This allows people all across the globe to see whatever you choose to place on the Internet.

If you are a home user who knows people who live far away and would like to tell them to go and look for your web site or if you simply want to learn how a web site is built, Hudson.NET can help you to develop maintain and publicize your web site on various search engines.

If you are a part of a business that wishes to progress to the next step and move online with its own web site, then Hudson.NET provides services to help with that too. Once online, any business can reach the global marketplace - something that would not be possible without the Internet.

For more infomation on any of these services, please contact us by clicking on the link below:

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