The staff of hudson.NET

These are the people who make up the staff of Hudson.NET and bring you the quality of service that you have come to expect. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions concerning Hudson.NET, then please contact us and we will get back to you as quickly as is humanly possible. To send us an email message, just click on the names and your email program will open up with the correct addresses already filled in.

Daryl Lunn
Managing Director

With many years of management consulting and entrepreneurial management experience he is an authority on helping companies achieve success with limited resources. He will be delighted to share his experience with people examining the business possibilities and competitive advantages of Hudson.NET.

Robert Shield
Technical Director

Technical expert with experience in many computer languages and technologies, he is the creator of this web site. He will be able to assist you with any technical difficulties you may have.

You can contact us for information about any of our services via telephone at
(450) 458-4994
or at
(514) 995-8251

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